Thursday, October 6, 2016

posting by DaYoung Kim (W6)

Socialization is an interaction between the people in society.
In addition, it is also a process to adapt to the society.
Through the interaction of community members it means learning the values, skills, knowledge and norms necessary for social life.
Humans can live as social beings through socialization.
Individuals can adapt to society through socialization.
Socialization is also can keep the society.
Socialization is a life process.
However it is divided two parts.
Primary socialization come about early in life, as a young child and adolescent.
Secondary socialization means that socialization occurs throughout one's life.
Some of the more important contributors to the socialization process are: parents, guardians, friends, or other family members.
One of the most common methods used to account the importance of socialization that is being abused for parents while children are grown.
Such children are called "wild".
These children are mostly the result of his parents.
Such these 'wild' children lack the basic social skills which are commonly learned in the process of socialization.
In addition, Arnett distinguishes between broad socialization and narrow socialization
Broad socialization is for independence, individualism and self-expression.
Narrow socialization is intended to promote obedience and conformity.

I was interesting that when children was young , do not receive proper learning for parents , children are the status of the "wild" .
Because I have seen about these case an article in the old days.
The child's parents abandoned the child grew up like animals in the wild could not speak.
Also these 'wild' children fell intellectual level than normal children.
Through this I realized that socialization is important.


1 comment:

  1. I was also interested that when children was young , do not receive proper learning for parents , children are the status of the "wild".
    People are socialized unfulfilled is no different from animals.
    It is a good posting i can feel the importance of socialization.
    I read well :)
