Stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of people in a society.Sociology has a long history. It's relatede with teaching about various kinds of inequality, including economic inequality, racial/ethnic inequality, gender inequality, and other types of inequality.
Inequality is the scarce and valued resources in society. the sort of resources:economic or political, such as health care, education, jobs, property and land ownership, housing, and ability to influence government policy.
Max Weber defines stratification in terms of socioeconomic status. And he saw Three dimention of
stratification(class,status,party). There are a variety of ways to measure status, including educational attainment, income, wealth, and occupational prestige. These measures reflect three characteristics of individuals: power, property, and prestige.
Power: refers to someone’s ability to get others to do his/her will. There are legitimate and illegitimate.
Property:refers to the sum total of one’s possessions as well as their regular income.
Prestige:refers to the reputation or esteem associated with one’s position in society.
The origins of inequality can be found in the transition from hunter/gatherer societies to horticultural/pastoralist societies. It's seems almost all society.
In hunter/gather societies,People grew and collected their food for all of their needs.
There was very little trading between the groups. But There were not many inequalities between groups.
In horticultural/pastoralist societies. groups grew to be very large and humans settled down in one place. So there were inequality some ability.
Industrialization began. In the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.There was collectivity in the space and land in Europe.They have a private property. it result in a big inequality.
Since then inequality has gone increasingly larger.
Many of sociologists mentioned about inequality.
Social reproduction theory by Joel Charon focuses on the roles of institutions and cultures in the perpetuation of inequality and the process by which the social class structure is maintained. and
Karl Marx argued that the rich and powerful have control over the means of production, which is economic power, and they also have great influence on government power.
And there are Two classical approches about stratification: Structural-Functionalism ,Conflict Theorists
Structural-Functionalism asks the same question that it does of the other components of society
For example:"What function or purpose does it serve?"
Conflict theorists argue that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society.
Stratification benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor.
Although i am a vicitim in stratification, I don't know well about social stratification.
So I can learn many things this document.
And I've very surprised that There are some inequality in hunter/gather societies.
That The society of stratification effects on economy is also surprised thing.
I feel the inequality will be never disappeared.
In the context, there are a variety of ways to measure status,and its reflect 3 characteristics of individuals: power,property,and prestige.
Why just 3 characteristics? Other reflecting about measuring social status are not reflected?
I think when we measure social status,3 characteristics of individuals are suitable. Because 3 characteristics of individuals include variety element that can measure status.