Saturday, October 15, 2016

posting by DaYoung Kim (W7)

summary and my opinion
Deviance is any action that contravenes cultural norms.
Deviance are often divided into two types.
The first type of deviance is officially enacted in violation of the law.
Examples of these deviance are murder, theft, rape, etc.
The second type of deviance is informal deviance.
This means departing from the violation of an informal social norms.
Robert K. Merton has proposed a typology of deviant behavior.
Merton insist that, there are five types of deviance based upon these standard.
The five types of deviance is conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion.
What makes Merton's theory enchanting is that people can turn to the deviance in the pursuit of widely accepted social values and social goals.
Deviance and people's criminal behavior can also be connect to power imbalances and resource imbalances in society.
They can participate in deviant or criminal behavior in order to survive.
Because they lack the physical resources required for basic survival.
Social control are a variety of ways, depending on cultural norms.
Social control is generally there are two types.
It is a formal social control and informal social control.
Formal social control refers to the re-socialization as individuals awoke formal rules.
Informal social control means to strengthen the informal cultural norms.
I learned a lot about the deviance.
In the meantime, I was just thinking that deviate just doing a bad behavior in society.
Also i learned that deviate can occur for many reasons in society.
And it was found that the criteria that define deviations every society is different.
This is interesting point to me.
I am glad to learn anew about deviance.

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