Saturday, October 29, 2016

Posting by Kim DO Hyeon 김도현 (w9)

what is stratification?


 Inequality is that people unfairly own valuable and rare resources. 
This affects medical care, education, employment, real estate, economic part, the political part. 
Socioeconomic status (SES) is synthesis of social status and economic status that a specific person has in the hierarchy system. 
A compartmental hierarchical position in the social dimension is referred to as a social status.  
A compartmental hierarchical position in the economical dimension is referred to as a economic status. 
Social status and economic status are generally consistent. However, because there may not be so, we could do with synthesizing the social status and economic status.
Origin of inequality can be found in the transformation of society.
<Persistence of inequality>
1. Sociologist Joel Charon talks about the persistence of inequality. He said technology is to sustain the inequality. Rich person manages their own means of production and property through a new technology. However, the lower layer has less opportunities to such techniques. Ultimately, Existing wealth go to next generation. This is connected inequality.
2. society teach the acceptance of cultural inequality.
3. people have been socialized to accept their position in life.

Mention & Question

image source: wikimedia
 I think that duration of the layers equal the persistence of inequality.
 I am a conflict theorist. Duration of these layers and the position makes the inequality. In addition, these inequalities make the conflict. I think that we must have the opportunity to change this structure. I want to hear everyone. If you're a conflict theorist, what do you think a way to change the social structure? If you are a function theorist, what do you think about the persistence of the problem of inequality?

image source: 1.



  1. I read your posting well!
    I also have position of conflict theory.
    I would like to emphasize the importance of education.
    If a country provides equal education for all, we can move on to step more equal society.

  2. I read your posting very well!!!
    I have position of function theorist. I think inequality is inevitable. But if high class people have good idea and do a kindness, this word persist very well.
