Saturday, November 26, 2016

Posting by Hwangbo Hyojeong(황보효정)_W13

1. Family

In general, we call it a 'family' when a common ancestor, marriage, adoption, or some other committed (romantic or otherwise) relationship exists.
But as society changes, the need to define more diverse forms of families is required.
Families have various forms and functions.
There are family members that are slightly different from common family types, such as homosexuals, bisexual couples, people living with several animals, and groups sharing their residence.
There are various forms of married couples in the world, including polygamy, women with one or more husbands, married couples with one husband and one wife. Thus, cultural diversity exists in the form of family.
The structure of the family changed over time.
In the hunter-gathering society, political and strategic marriages were made, and marriage was not significant.
Horticulture and farming society have begun to make a big difference in the meaning of marriage and family style.
For nobles, marriage was also used as a tool for forming an alliance, and non-elites married to collect resources and make life better.
In ancient Rome, the father's power was absolute.
The father even had the right to kill the family.
The Western modern family is based on Christian thought.
The family has many functions.
In the case of a childbirth family, it has a function to reproduce society.
Married couples play a role in socializing their children.
Non-procreative families have a variety of functions, such as networking, monetary gain, and allotting emotional needs.
In most countries, marriage between brothers and sisters is prohibited.
In ancient Egypt and other countries, however, the royal family allowed marriage between brothers and sisters, to concentrate their power in one place.
The Family Life Cycle includes Courtship, marriage, Children and Divorce.
Courtship is the time for a couple to date before marriage. The length and form of courtship varies.
Marriage is a socially recognized sexual and intimate interpersonal relationship.
Through marriage, marriage is established and announced to the surrounding people.
A happy marriage can also help your health.
If you raise a lot of children, the social status is lowered on average because the cost of nurturing is high.
The divorce rate in America is quite high.
Divorce occurs due to psychological and financial conditions.
If one of the married couples dies, they may live alone or remarry after that.
Satisfaction of marriage, and economic status after marriage are different according to gender.
Race can act as discriminatory factor when marrying.
Religion can also change the style of marriage.
The number of One-Parent Households is increasing.
It is a phenomenon that occurs when negative perceptions of one-parent households are reduced and their rights are increased.
Cohabitation is a couple who is not legally recognized but who lives in the same place.
In certain regions, same-sex marriage is legalized.
Some families have no children according to infertility or values.

Through this material, I became acquainted with various family forms.
It was interesting that the shape of marriage had changed over time.
In the process of getting married and packing up the family, I could feel the financial and psychological considerations are very diverse.

1. In some countries there is polygamy. What do you think about this type of family?
2. Do you think same-sex marriage should be legalized in Korea?

2. Aging

Aging is a biological and sociological phenomenon.
Social age and subjective age may not coincide.
Aging is a complex concept that is both objective and subjective.
Human life is divided into Infancy, Toddler, Childhood, Adolescence, Young adult, Prime adulthood, Middle age and Old age.
Adults in most countries start at the age of 18.
There are places that recognize aging positively and some that recognize it as negative.
According to life expectancy, the criteria for classifying young and old are different.
Age discrimination exists.
Young people are also neglected in terms of lack of maturity.
The elderly are threatened with health or abused.
In the Social Security system, old-age pensions are paid to seniors who are not able to work or retire.
Older women are more likely to suffer poverty than men.
Women have a higher life expectancy than men.
The black elderly are more likely to be mentally and physically abused than the white elderly.
In the United States, elderly people are concentrated in specific areas.
Life expectancy is increasing worldwide.
Positive attitudes help older people to stay healthy.

I learned a lot about aging through this material.
I think that it is important to know about the process because everybody gets older one day.
I learned that abuse of the elderly was occurring a lot and thought that it should be done away with.
Also, I thought that I should do a lot of effort to send good old age.

What efforts should we make to ensure that young people and older people are not discriminated against by age?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I think polygamy is unfair.
    So as men and women become equal, I think this system is gone.
    Some polygamy can hurt your wife and children.
    And this hurts the home.
