Demography is a study of the changes in population, its size, distribution and composition, birth, death, migration, and social mobility.
Demography is fundamental to all social phenomenon research. It is used for various purposes from the past.
Demography began for the first time about 2000 years ago for tax or political reasons.
In the past, this political aspect was strong, but it is also being used increasingly for commercial purposes.
A central focus on demographics is to establish a reliable measure of total population, birth rate, marriage and mortality. So the main indicators of statistics are birth and death.
There are also various examples of demographics.
Fertility is a healthy offspring fertility of a woman. And Fecundity is the potential breeding potential of women.
and Mortality refers to percentage of deaths in a given period for a particular population.
Also, overpopulation refers to the sudden increase in population, which exceeds the population limit of the region. It is closely related to the amount of resources that have a major impact on human life.
The amount of resources is limited, but if the population goes beyond that range, there will be problems.
The fundamental solution to overpopulation is economic development.
And there is urbanization, Urbanization is the process of becoming a city, and is a concept that refers to the concentration of the population in the city and the regional and social change patterns accordingly. This is also not a good phenomenon. In the end, it will result in overpopulation.
The blue words are a good example of demographic research.
My opinion)
It is demographic. It is a subject that has to be interested. Especially in countries such as Korea where fertility rates are gradually falling and the aging rate is rising. Demographic is a social phenomenon and quantitative research seems to be difficult. As human values intervene, there are various variables. Still, it seems to be a social phenomenon that is relatively easy to predict results. If there is a change in the population type, it is almost large, and the reason is clear.
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