Saturday, December 24, 2016

Extra posting Ji nu Nam

Q Are students giving gifts to professors trying to bribe them into getting better grades?

There are also such students. The students who have given their professors personal gifts and raised their grades have existed since ancient times. But not all students. If so, the test would be meaningless.

Q Why would people burn the flag of the USA? What is it a symbol of?

Burning an American flag is a kind of symbol. It is a symbol of opposition to the United States. There are various reasons for the opposition. There are various reasons such as economic, political, ideological, humiliation, and sometimes the flag is burned to escape the oppression of the United States or to escape the interference of the United States.

Q What symbols do we see, and how do they influence our behavior?

We can see many symbols in our daily lives. For example, if we see an ambulance, we can predict that someone is hurt and give the ambulance the way. If you see a fire truck, we can predict that the fire is somewhere and give way. In this way, we can see symbols in our daily life and influence our actions.

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