Thursday, December 22, 2016

Extra posting, joonhee Lee

Q) why does the society hold together?

I think it is because human who are members of society can not live alone. Humans are born with the ability to think more than any other being and share it through communication. This gives the human being the right to cooperate with each other. In addition, as society gets bigger, it has to play various roles, and collective action is indispensable.

Q) How can we reduce the suicide rates in Korea?

One of the ways I think is ‘prevention education’. Suicide was a serious social problem in Korean society, but it was difficult to find an active interest in it. Several articles have been warned of this, but there is still no education at school. In the past, I watched TV while I was holding an exhibition where I could experience suicide (ex. Funeral experience). Later, it was said that it was evaluated to be quite effective. From this, I thought that these experiences could be beneficial if they were actually applied to prevention education. Most of the education in Korea is made up of studying the theoretical formulas, so I feel that there are many areas that are lacking in terms of practicality. I think that adding education by practice will help a friend who thought about suicide a little more.

Q) How does media (TV, internet) teach out how to act and where we fit in the society?

The media thinks that it can contribute to socialization by simply providing information to viewers. Due to the tremendous advances of media in modern society, we have begun to rely more on this than ever before. In other words, the contents provided by the media is easier for us to influence than before. These various elements will have a lot of human talents that you want in society. Therefore, people will get a lot of socialization knowledge through the media.

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