Sunday, December 18, 2016

Extra posting by Sungheum Cho

Extra posting

Why does the society hold together?

>> People born and raised in a society learn the same history and grow up in the same culture. Learning the same history will result in cohesion among people in one society. This is because we have the idea like "We are a nation that has survived any difficulties of the past". In addition, people who grew up in the same culture are more likely to feel closer to people in the same society than people in other cultures because their thoughts and actions are similar.

Why people cooperate with one another?

>> Humans are social animals. From the past, we have been alive and working together to overcome difficulties (For example, survival problems due to wild beasts). The reason why humans cooperate with each other is the human instinct that has been planted from the past.

How does media (TV, Internet) teach you how to act and where we fit in the society?

>> The media contains a lot of information and it is a role to convey this information to people. Much of the information the media deals with includes information about the situation of others, the actions taken in that situation, and what actions are wise. Because of this, people can learn from the media what they mentioned in the question.

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